Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Framing to our Target Audiences

So I've almost completed the second half of the packet (2-7) however, I'm having trouble figuring out how we should frame our project to a few groups. I've copied and pasted a draft of that section, and if you guys could brain storm on it, we'll fill it in when we meet this evening.

I just need to finish the Goals and metric sections and we should be good to go!

Target Audiences:
Chefs: Opportunity for positive community involvement, and the development of a positive brand impression.
NU Clubs: We can help them do what they already planned on doing and it’s an opportunity for positive exposure

Rebellious kids:
"Risk Management":

Media: I feel like this would fall under the PR umbrella
General Public: Also PR umbrella, and how the media portrays us.
NU Administration: Same as Chefs and it casts NU in a positive light (trying to improve relations with neighboring communities)

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