Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ms. Jeanie's Blog Post Coming Soon !

I've been meaning to update the blog with a summary of my little meeting with Ms. Jeanie last week, but this paper, and my other papers, have been killing me, so when i finish this ill be sure to update. BUT i will  say that the meeting went great, and she provided a lot of really good information and support!  And I have to email Tawna Rathe, but she knows my struggles right now :)

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act Signed Yesterday

Sooo you guys, our lord and savior President Barack Obama signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act yesterday, and it includes a lot of the changes we talked about that we felt needed to be enacted, INCLUDING, a farm to school program, and policies that encourage the use of locally grown products !

Click on this link to go to the whitehouse.gov page

Hope this helps ! I think she'll be expecting to see it  !

Happy writing !
Jahan !!!!!!!!!

(exclamation points were intentional !!!!!)

Monday, December 13, 2010


This is a USDA Econ Research Service doc from 2008 that is PERFECT for relating the US obesity to the global problem.  PERFECT.


Some Most Helpful Documents...

Hey guys! 48 hours and counting!

Over the weekend I looked into scholarly articles through the NU library, and found several that are incredibly helpful. Thought I would share!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mooo... Restaurant is a No

Alexa DeMarco from Mooo... Restaurant pitched our idea to their executive chef, who ultimately decides what he wants to participate in, and unfortunately he said he does not feel comfortable participating in our program.


That is all.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Framing to our Target Audiences

So I've almost completed the second half of the packet (2-7) however, I'm having trouble figuring out how we should frame our project to a few groups. I've copied and pasted a draft of that section, and if you guys could brain storm on it, we'll fill it in when we meet this evening.

I just need to finish the Goals and metric sections and we should be good to go!

Target Audiences:
Chefs: Opportunity for positive community involvement, and the development of a positive brand impression.
NU Clubs: We can help them do what they already planned on doing and it’s an opportunity for positive exposure

Rebellious kids:
"Risk Management":

Media: I feel like this would fall under the PR umbrella
General Public: Also PR umbrella, and how the media portrays us.
NU Administration: Same as Chefs and it casts NU in a positive light (trying to improve relations with neighboring communities)