Friday, October 15, 2010

MA Food Programs

All Programs:
-SNAP Food Stamps
-Food Pantries and Free Meals
-School Meals and Summer Food Programs
-Meals on Wheels and Dining Centers
-Bags of Food/Food Packages
     -Brown Bag: one free bag of food per month to low-income seniors
     -Dollar-a-Bag: $1 for one grocery bag of produce
     -Serve New England: stopped service, under investigation...
     -Mass Children's Fund
     -HIV/AIDS Nutrition Services

More on School Meals and Summer Food Programs:
-free/reduced price milk and meals
-includes breakfast, lunch, milk and after-school snacks
-summer food provided at parks, schools, community centers, etc.
-eligible if on food stamps or TFADC
-summer food source
-has finder for locations
-"School Breakfast Program"
     -federally funded (through USDA and Mass Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
     -participants must comply with federal nutrition standards and make service available to all students
     -same pricing as lunch (with options for free/reduced cost)
     -good quote on improved performance
-Child Nutrition Outreach Program (617) 723-5000
-"As of October 2008, only 33.8% of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals ate breakfast at school" source
-increased breakfast participation has lead to increased efficiency and decreased overall cost of all school day meals
-income from breakfast can offset cost for breakfast and lunch
-Mass DoE and Secondary Education's Child Nutrition Outreach Program Project Bread
-Better Breakfast Initiative
-Available Grants:
     -Whole Foods Great American Salad Bar Project
     -Got Breakfast?
     -Winston Equipment Award Grant 2010
     -Lets Move! Recipe for Kids Challenge

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